Archive for May, 2012

History Quote
May 17, 2012

“History are peoples stories that determine our future” – my not so inventive quote

“The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.” by Mark Twain  – I thought this quote was a very poignant defintion of history as it shows us just how bias history is. It is events that have been altered over time by generations and generations of people who have passed it down adding  their own twist to the event  

“History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is”. by Thomas Jefferson   – It seems that when studying history all we learn about is how certain people in power or in goverment make bad descisions which determine the fate of the people of that country.  For me everything is history what we did yesterday was history, past events which would affect us in the future – such as revising a particular topic will determine the grade we get the next day if we have a test on it. History for so many is the important big events which happened a long time ago but i beleive it is everything that is done in the past regardless of how important it is.
But for me “I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.”  Thomas Jefferson